

Sunday, January 31, 2016

February Goals

January always starts out with me having lofty dreams of being productive, full of life & then reality steps back in and knocks me down.  Readjusting to a school routine and sunset coming so darned earlier had me struggling to do more than the bare minimum this month.  We did finish Middle of the Year testing at school and I was blown away by how far my littles have progressed!  It was a huge encouragement to this kindergarten teacher’s heart. 

February is going to be a month full of old friends, church friends, teacher friends just an overwhelming number of friend dates & time together.  I am so excited to spend time with the people we love.

A quick look back on January’s goals

January Goals

finish year in review album
read Career of Evil
filing system revamp
I tried several other “systems” this month & decided the original was actually the best it was going to get
prepare for taxes
finish cross-stitch project
begin 52 Weeks of Savings

February Goals

first Rent the Runway Experience
begin our new year in review album
celebrate the marriage of one of our college friends in Houston
decide on summer vacation & begin making plans
finish decorating guest room/CH’s office
finish master bath re-model
IF: Gathering at church
curtains for master bedroom
15 barre classes this month

Does anyone else get the “January Blues”?

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