

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Rainy Sunday Productivity

Hurricane Patricia brought an insane amount of rain to Central Texas this weekend & it made for the perfect napping, reading, lazy bum weather.  I lived in yoga pants & long sleeved t-shirts, did {relatively} nothing all day yesterday and decided to be productive after church this afternoon.

It has been on my goal list a handful of months to make my own laundry detergent and so when Coach Husband loudly declared this morning that we were out of Tide, I decided today was the day.  Thanks to a sweet Master Reading Teacher friend I had a recipe o file and got busy. 

Arm & Hammer Baking Soda
20 Mule Team Borax
Purex Crystals
Arm & Hammer Laundry Super Washing Powder
Oxi Clean Stain Fighter
Fels-Naptha Bar Soap (3 of these!)
Five Gallon Bucket for mixing
Airtight container for storage

Grate the bars of soap using a cheese grater.  This was much easier than I originally expected & permeated the kitchen with a clean smell which made my heart happy. 
Dump all the ingredients in a five gallon bucket and mix well with your hands. 
Pour the mixture into your air tight container & voilà!

All in all the ingredients cost us about $20.00 or essentially one bottle of Tide liquid detergent.  However, the container looks as though it could last us 8 months to a year running around seven loads of laundry a week.  {Yes, there are only two of us and it takes seven loads of laundry….I’m a little OCD when it comes to sorting}.

It took a total of 15 minutes to make and as I pulled our first load of laundry out of the washing machine this afternoon I am pleasantly surprised with the cleanliness and fresh smell!

P.S. This weekend was Homecoming and for the first time in eight years I was not in attendance at the game.  Kickoff was at 11 a.m. and CH had meetings until noon.  It was the weirdest feeling for both of us, but I was still able to hug my sweet Alpha Chi Family Line minus a few generations.  I guess when Bre comes in December for the final game of the season we will have to make up full force for all the haunts we missed this weekend. 

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