One of my goals is officially complete! This Saturday Coach Husband came home from football practice to surprise me with a trip to a Pumpkin Patch! Fall has (hopefully) come to Texas to stay & we decided a trip to the pumpkin patch was just what we needed to spice up our weekend. Since Dixie May is working towards her Canine Good Citizenship we are trying to take her everywhere we go. Lucky for her the pumpkin patch had no problem with a Canine in Training coming with us!
Funny story to add to our day, Coach Husband only owns one pair of jeans. Yes you read that! Since the weather has turned a bit nippy he was on a hunt for them today. Somehow in his four moves since May he has misplaced those one pair of jeans. Our first stop was the only place T will let me purchase clothes for him from, Target, to grab a new pair of jeans. Any Target run is always accompanied by a Starbucks trip we obviously had to stop & grab me a Passion Tea.
Passion Tea shaken & sweet. Yum! |
After our impromptu Target trip we headed out to the Pumpkin Patch! I was so stinking excited, especially when they handed Coach Husband a CART to hold our spoils in. I promised him I would not go overboard with the quantity of pumpkins. We live in a two street neighborhood that is made up mostly of older, retired couples whom we absolutely adore! The downside though...their yards & porches are always manicured, groomed and decorated to the nines. Newlyweds on the block were definitely late to the fall porch party. I was looking for three imperfectly perfect pumpkins to finally get our porch up to par. I had a very specific number, shape & size in mind so with that promise we started shopping.
Our little red wagon. |
After picking our our porch pumpkins it was time for a little photo shoot with the joy of our lives, Miss Dixie May. Dixie loved all the pumpkins, smells, small children & adults walking around the patch. I am always beyond proud of how she deals with small children. Somehow she knows that they are little and must be handled with care. Her tail starts moving double time & her entire body starts to wiggle. Normally people are always a little wary of her and I can understand that. She's a 75 pound German Shepherd and the stereotype for the breed isn't exactly stellar, but given the opportunity Dixie will win them over!
Checking out the pumpkins & loving her life. |
They say taking pictures with a toddler is super difficult. The same can be said for a dog. Enjoy the following photos of Dixie.
We finally got some good ones.
Love my girl! |
Somehow I convinced Coach Husband to smile! |
Coach Husband is a firm believer in "Happy wife, happy life" |
Crossing this goal off my 100 goals list really just serves to highlight that I am so blessed to have a husband that loves & blesses me in the small ways!
Hoping & praying that you are falling in love with fall as well!
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