

Monday, November 24, 2014

the mondays.

(Fair warning this is random and rambly and probably doesn't make much sense)
Source: Pinterest

We often give a lot of credit to the bad days or the great days, but rarely do we record the hundreds of other in-between days, which is what today was. An average, run-of-the-mill Monday, where I chose the good.

My day actually didn't start that great, I woke up 3x during a 2 hour period last night with nightmares. The disturbing, wake-up screaming, terrify the dog type dreams which caused me to turn on Netflix at 3am and watch multiple episodes of How I Met Your Mother until I fell cautiously asleep. At least they were just dreams and I was safe in my apartment. After the dark of night was gone, the clouds lifted. Maybe the dreams are what caused my day to be good - a juxtaposition, allowing me to really appreciate the mundane. The simple things like a favorite song playing on shuffle this morning, to being offered the last piece of my favorite candy, to finding the perfect Christmas gift for someone special.

Today is Monday of Thanksgiving week. Typically, Thanksgiving does not make me very reflective. Growing up, I didn't understand what the big deal was around Thanksgiving. As an adult, I try to practice gratitude thoughout the year and pride myself on not needing a sanctioned holiday to be thankful. For some reason though today it all really resonated with me... how good life can be when you take the time to notice.

Source: Pinterest
This year, 2014, I am thankful for the mundane. The 95% of days that are just there. Nothing special, nothing bad - just healthy, productive days. The days that are alone insignificant, but contribute to our overall life picture. The good hair days that build self-confidence. The drives to work that are safe and without incident. The work that earns us money to buy gifts for others. The days we are simply safe and warm, protected and full. These are the simple days that shouldn't be taken for granted.

Be thankful. In all seasons of life, give thanks.

Monday, November 10, 2014

miss november goals

photo c/o pinterest
Hi! So let's try this again. Things were a little busy during October, and I accomplished pretty much nothing on my October goals list, but maybe November will be better? It's worth a shot at least!

To Recap October:
Read a book - fail. 
Finish Walker David's birthday present 
Purchase a few more Christmas presents - fail. 
Order a 2015 planner
Do something creative with a pumpkin - fail. 
Continue #100happydays posts - fail. :( 

BUT! Happy news! I was able to cross off one of my 100 Goals... "Attend a World Series game [preferably that my team is playing in]"... I not only attended 1, but I attended 7, in what had to be the most memorable October of my life... Until next year of course! :)

Now for November:

Read 2 books
I've technically already half way there and with Thanksgiving break ahead of me, I'm feeling good about this!

Buy 5 Christmas Gifts
Continuing from last month with optimism that I'll actually have shopping time in November.

Finalize New Year's Eve plans 
Cough, with Emmy, cough, cough.

Deep clean kitchen / reorganize cabinets
I need to reorganize my cabinets to as to perfect my hot chocolate efficiency. 

Finish Piper's Christmas stocking

The last month has killed my workout schedule and I need to get back into it so I'm not a stereotypical 20-something year old girl come January.

Preferably before it's time for December goals. 


Monday, November 3, 2014

November Goals--Mrs.

I blinked and the calendar said November.  I'm still confused as to where October went.  

Re-capping October goals

file the crazy mess at school
finishing touches on our guest bedroom
clean make-up brushes
catch up on ironing
start Christmas cards
keep attending barre classes

November Goals

file the crazy mess at school (I have all of Thanksgiving break, it will get done this month)
start Christmas cards
visit the dentist
begin Christmas shopping
participate in the thankfulness postings
start spreading the holiday cheer