Every story has a beginning and ours is quite a-typical. Bre & I met a little over four years ago thanks to some timely intervention of the Lord. In February of 2009 Bre became my “Big” in our chapter of Alpha Chi Omega. I never would have dreamed that the bubbly, squealing person that met me at the end of a very long string maze would be my best friend, biggest encouragement, favorite person and would become my sister in every sense of the word. Our friendship has withstood boyfriends, hundred mile moves, wedding planning & job changes.
Bre works for a MLB team in the Midwest and has a fierce 5 lb. guard dog named Jasper. He might have dropped out of puppy kindergarten but he is still the sweetest thing. Of the two of us, Bre has ALL the fashion sense. She can sew up an outfit in one evening and never leaves the house without putting the rest of us to shame.
I, Emily, am a kindergarten teacher back in Texas and a newlywed. Coach Husband is an ex-college football player who now shares his love of the game with high school athletes as a varsity football coach. Our lives revolve around the game & most Friday nights are spent under the lights during football season. Also, we have a 75 lb. guard dog named Dixie May who might be too smart for her own good.
Bre had the fabulous idea a little over a month ago to have a joint blog where we could share our life stories, recipes, crafts & document our reunions. We both love Jesus, baking, front porches, sweet tea, long talks, lazy walks & a Sonic Dr Pepper. Our blog might never be a Pintrest sensation BUT its another way for us to share our love of Christ, strengthen our friendship & share a little bit of life below the Mason Dixon line.